Joseff Morgan

Joseff Morgan

Year of call: 2017 

Clerks: James Watson / Lee Fifield

Joseff joined Chambers as a tenant in September 2018 following the successful completion of his pupillage.

Joseff is originally from Llandovery and was educated at Llandovery College. A keen rugby player, he went to Loughborough University to study English, representing the university rugby team and graduating with First Class Hons. Joseff completed the Graduate Diploma in Law at Cardiff University, where he was awarded the Prince of Wales Scholarship from Grays Inn, allowing him to study and then complete the Bar Professional Training Course (‘BPTC’) at Cardiff Law School.

During his Bar studies, he won the Norman Tapp Memorial Prize and was a DuCann Prize Finalist, both from Grays Inn. He is also a Grays Inn Goddard Scholar.

Joseff was also awarded the Pegasus Scholarship by Inner Temple.

Joseff is a conversational Welsh speaker


Joseff accepts instructions across Private and Public Law children cases. He regularly appears in the Family Court and High Court on behalf of both parents and local authorities in care and wardship proceedings.

Joseff also has extensive experience in a range of private children matters and routinely deals with complex and acrimonious applications, including cases involving allegations of sexual assault, domestic violence and parental alienation. 

Notable Cases

Re X – Led by Owen Thomas QC in lengthy High Court care proceedings involving transgender children and disputed parental influence on the children’s transition.

Re E­ ­– Secured substantial and numerous findings against a parent in relation to emotional harm of the Child, and parental alienation of the other parent.

Re T ­– Successful contested application made by a mother seeking to change her child’s primary education.

Re H – Successfully represented a father in acrimonious proceedings seeking to change the residence of his child from the child’s mother to himself.

Joseff’s pro-bono involvement includes volunteering with the following social mobility initiatives:

-           Joseff is the Chair of the Wales & Chester Circuit Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

-           Joseff is the Regional Co-Ordinator for Wales for the legal charity Young Citizens, a charity that conducts an annual national mock trial competition in comprehensive schools throughout Wales

-           volunteer for the Lord Edmund Davies Legal Education Trust, a charity established to serve young people living in Wales or having a connection with Wales who are interested in entering the legal profession.

 -          a panel member of the Bar Council’s Race Working Group,

Joseff has also written several articles for Counsel magazine on remote working, technology and artificial intelligence.

Joseff’s GDPR policies can be found here