9 Park Place Chambers Launches Programme of Seminars and Events
9 Park Place Chambers has launched a programme of events and seminars which will be of interest to all solicitors and counsel. All of the events will attract CPD points.
More than 40 lawyers attended our recent CPD-accredited seminar on the calculation of beneficial interests in property where the legal title to the property is held in joint names by an unmarried couple. Held at Cardiff City Stadium on 30th November 2011, the successful event explained the effect of Jones v Kernott [2011], an important new decision of the Supreme Court concerning the beneficial entitlement to a family home under a constructive trust.
Events have also been hosted in conjunction with Grant Thornton on capital gains tax matters and private company valuations.
To find out about or register for our forthcoming events throughout 2012 please click here or call our clerking team on 029 2038 2731.